
anthony middlemiss



As a Naturopath, I use an evidence-based model utilising a combination of herbs, supplements and lifestyle changes to help get the best outcome for my clients. I often liaise with GPs and other medical specialists to ensure that the combination of natural therapies and any medications you may be on work synergistically with what I prescribe. 

I developed an interest in natural therapies while growing up in a family connected to the land and from seeing how nature could provide and heal. My grandparents were a significant influence, using poultices and following a vegetarian diet in the 1980s before it became a trend! My expertise today comes from a combination of training, over 25 years of experience, hard work and ongoing commitment to learning as a naturopath and diving deep into the latest scientific research on vitamins, lifestyle, herbs and even pharmaceuticals. I am currently heavily researching healthspan (living longer, stronger and healthier). To help me and my clients get to our later years being healthy, strong and vital. 

To book in, click here. I am available online and in person - Mondays to Saturdays.








Reception Hours are:

Monday 8.30am-6pm

Tuesday 7:30am-6pm

Wednesday 8.30am- 1pm

Thursday 7:30am- 6pm

Friday 7:30-6pm

Saturday 8.30am-11am

If you require an appointment outside our usual consultation hours, please contact us.

Alive Health is located about 2km from the centre of Orange CBD.

P: 02 6362 7899
E: [email protected]
A: 95 Woodward Street, Orange NSW 2800

(Entrance & carpark from Wentworth Lane)